Success in this course depends on meaningful participation in and contribution to class discussion, which in turn depends on close, careful reading of the required texts. Good discussion depends on everyone coming to class prepared – i.e., having read and thought about the material. Reading summaries such as Cliff/Spark Notes, Wikipedia and the like is neither necessary nor sufficient in this regard. Further, it is not permitted, but rather prohibited.


Engagement (30% total)
Participation 20%
Attendance 10%

Writing (70% total)
Video reading responses = 20%
Capstone I draft and final essay = 25%
Capstone II draft and final essay = 25%


The participation grade reflects the quality and quantity of verbal and nonverbal contributions to in-class discussion. Every student bears responsibility for the pursuit, progress, and professionalism of class discussion. Accordingly, daily participation grades will be noted and discussed at one-to-one conferences through the semester. Finally, please remember that participation in class sessions include the tenets of the collegiate seminar and may include informal writing, group work or other differentiated modalities.
Participation begins with attendance, as attending class is necessary – but not sufficient – for participating in class discussion. Accordingly, absence or lateness will detract from the engagement portion of the final grade. While classes can and will be missed due to illness, emergency, robot attack, etc., students with more than three absences will not score higher than a B for the final grade, students with more than four absences will not score higher than a C, and students with more than five absences will not score higher than a D. Three late arrivals or early departures will count as one absence. Students who miss class are responsible for any missed announcements, handouts, etc.


Capstone essays

Capstone essays are 5-6 pages, 1.5 spacing, Helvetica font, 1-inch margins.
Capstone essays are to be prepared for by writing drafts, which are factored into the grade.

Capstone I essay draft is due March 1st;
Capstone I final essay is due April 2nd;
Capstone II essay draft is due April 18th;
Capstone II final essay is due May 14th;

The two capstone essays are meant to be rigorous, thorough examples of the best of your writing. They will demand a great deal of thought and reflection about both your time at Saint Mary’s and the texts you have encountered, and hopefully learned from.
Therefore, what I will be looking for in these essays is your ability to retain complexity while remaining clear; to be honest and forthright; to exhibit your intellectual ability to mobilize your insights and site them within a solid conceptual rationale.
There is information on this syllabus website that will describe the conditions of each essay. You will have access to this material with sufficient time. Electronic copies are to be submitted to the link on the moodle on the dates indicated there Assignments submitted late are subject to final grade reduction at the rate of 1/3 letter grade per day. Absence from class on the due date, trouble with files, drives, etc., does not excuse late submissions. Students are encouraged to discuss their essays with their professor prior to submission of the final draft during regular office hours. Please refer to the “Guide for Writing Seminar Essays” in your Copley Reader and chapters 3-5 of Trimble’s Writing With Style for more information.
Moodle Video Responses & Assessments
Video responses are considered and graded as writing. This is because in the vast majority of cases, they are in written form, and the way we are approaching responses generates writing.

Responses: Students are required to log on to the Moodle discussion forum set up for the current reading. Using your cell phone, tablet or computer, record a 60-second video response to the reading. This process will be explained to all on the first day of class. Responses are due 24 hours before class (which will mean 1 pm on Sundays and 1pm on Wednesdays). These video posts should include one interpretative question and some analysis of the reading that serves as an answer.
Critique: Students will provide critique of their peers’ video responses as is described below. Prior to the class, review the current Moodle discussion forum and watch at least 5 peer videos. Make handwritten notes to bring to and use in the class sessions. These will be retained for use in your capstone essays.

These notes will formalize your reaction to the points made by your peer in their original video. These notes should attempt to respond to, comment on, clarify, correct, support, or challenge any conclusions, confusions, or other aspects of the discussion in class. In order to receive full credit, all posts must (i) be 60 seconds or less, (ii) include specific textual references or quotes with citations, and (iii) offer original analysis and support commensurate with the depth of attention and reflection devoted to the assignment.

Periodic exploratory, developmental, and self-assessment writing assignments may be assigned throughout the semester, including but not limited to freewrites, essay proposals, outlines, drafts, etc.