Capstone Assignment Part II
Purpose: In order to learn from our Seminar experience, we need to reflect on it. The first part of the Capstone asked you to reflect on the relationship between Seminar and your disciplinary lens or perspective. This second part combines that reflective element with your advanced textual analysis skills in order to examine the relationship between Seminar 104 readings and the five Lasallian Core Principles (in alphabetical order):
Concern For the Poor and Social Justice–We are in solidarity with the poor and advocate for those suffering from injustices.
Faith in the Presence of God–We believe in the living presence of God in our students, our community and our world.
Inclusive Community–We celebrate diversity and welcome all members of our community.
Quality Education–We engage in quality education together as students, staff and faculty by thinking critically and examining our world in light of faith.
Respect for all Persons–We honor and respect the dignity of all individuals.
In considering the ways in which Seminar 104 texts can inform and be informed by these principles, you will deepen and even expand your understanding of each.
Directions: Choosing one of the five Lasallian Core Principles as a general topic or theme, consider how the different skills, behaviors, values, and knowledge implicit in (or attendant to) that principle manifest in SEM 104 texts.
–Which two or three texts impacted, transformed, or deepened your understanding of that principle? –How do these texts question, challenge, or support that principle?
–Explain using examples from the texts.
–As you elucidate your examples, develop an argumentative thesis or exploratory question that analyzes the texts carefully and in a manner that speaks to your understanding and/or implementation of the principle you chose. Then conclude by reflecting on how your analysis might impact your own conduct and relationship to the principle going forward.
Audience: As you develop your ideas, consider how you would frame them for skeptical Seminar peers (without naming) who are familiar with the texts but question the value or meaning of the principle and/or its relationship to the texts you chose.
Format: MLA style citations and works cited; 1200–1500 words, or approx 4-5 pages in length, 1.5 spaced, Helvetica 11pt font, 1-inch margins
Capstone 2 Draft 1–April 18th 2018
Capstone 2–May 14th 2018
Essays are submitted to the relevant turnitin forum on Moodle