Capstone Assignment Part One
At the end of each of your previous Seminar courses, we have asked you to reflect upon your learning, specifically in relation to the Habits of Mind learning outcomes that are central to Seminar. In this final Seminar course, we will ask you to write a Capstone reflection in which you integrate your learning in Seminar with what you have encountered in your major or minor disciplinary courses. The overall aim is for you to critically reflect on the connections between Seminar and your education at Saint Mary’s as a whole.
In Part 1, you will consider the relationship between your learning in Seminar and your learning within your major or minor. You will need to reflect upon what kinds of “disciplinary lenses” you have learned for either your major or your minor i.e. what is the specific way of knowing things embodied within the discipline. You may draw on your experiences in any course in the Seminar sequence.
You should answer BOTH of the following questions (they read as similar, but are not):
- How have the theoretical perspectives or practical approaches of your discipline(s) helped to enhance or illuminate your work in Seminar?
- How has what you learned in Seminar challenged or supplemented what you learned in your major(s) or minor(s) at Saint Mary’s?
Format: MLA style citations and works cited; minimum1200 words, or approx 4 pages in length, 1.5 spaced, Helvetica 11pt font, 1-inch margins
Capstone 1 Draft 1–March 15th 2018
Capstone 1–April 2nd 2018
Essays are submitted to the relevant turnitin forum on Moodle